Call the non-physical self the mind, or the psyche, or the non-material being that acquires experience. Harmony in the mind is what yoga calls basic sanity.

Regular Prema Yoga Classes:

Mondays 11:30-12:45 Prema Align

Fridays 7-8am  Prema Quickie

Regular Y&Y Classes:

Sunday 8:30-10am Open Level

Check HERE for up-to-date schedule!


Meditation on Tap In available in the App Store

10 minute micro-meditations broadcast LIVE to promote community experience

Self-inquiry is a gathering of scattered pieces; fractals of remembrance of a long forgotten wholeness.
— earinside


Love. The expression of the Soul. The power of God. The path to Freedom. The treasure of Life. The secret of Service. The abode of the Mystics. Be a Lover. Love every moment as hard as you can. Give it. Receive it. Build a temple to it in your body. Become a champion of Love.
— David Harshada Wagner
The Atman is the light:
The light is covered by darkness:
This darkness is delusion:
That is why we dream.

When the light of the Atman
Drives out our darkness
That light shines forth from us,
A sun in splendour,
The revealed Brahman.
— Sri Krishna
Love is all-pervasive and unconditional. It is our birthright. But to live in the experience of Love we must be disciplined, we must sacrifice, we have to walk a conscious path.
— David Harshada Wagner


The universe conspires to love us in infinite ways and until we wake up to that we will conjure infinite ways not to notice.
— earinside
Love is All You Need

Love is All You Need

We don’t need to generate Love. We just have to stop resisting it. Love is within us and all around us all the time.
— David Harshada Wagner

Contact James directly at

Gods and Goddesses are helpful energies within and without

Kali Ma is the deepest way to experience Love...via her annihilation of unhelpful energies inside of us.

Kali Ma is the deepest way to experience Love...via her annihilation of unhelpful energies inside of us.


Kali Ma...

loves us precisely by severing our attachment to unhelpful, ego driven ways of being. In doing so, Kali makes space within our body/mind for fresh perception, like a breeze that blows in through an open window and freshens a musty room. Working with Kali Ma we do practices that open a window to our Heart/Mind: we welcome the wind of her ferocity and the death of self-generated suffering.

Kali astride Shiva

Kali astride Shiva

Within our psyche Shiva's stability grounds the ferocious energy of Kali. Inasmuch as Shiva and Kali are two sides of the same coin, we may relax into the process. For we are both the downhill racer and the brakes that moderate our speed. As such, we can trust a process that need not involve thinking mind directly. Rather, we observe the results of the ongoing transformational process (that carries on much like an organ such as the liver, the spleen, the heart beat ie. without need of thoughts to tell it what to do), and evaluate with dispassionate discernment and intuition. How am I now? What are the present qualities of my experience? How are the contours of my life situation currently?